Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Me n Attachment Part II

4th day- Today I learned 2 more new technique in small operation room called as procedure room, one patient experienced left breast carcinoma effect her spine bone, how it happen? do your own research first b4 asking me. The patient was told by the specialist that she must undergoes biopsy and charcoal dressing during walking 10 a.m in the morning I joined with staff nurse to make preparation for the tissue biopsy.Actually the procedure look easy, especially when the patient was anesthetic at her left breast that consist lump n also in right breast as a control specimen.But when the doctor try to reach her tissues,she suddenly feel pain until I help the doctor to hold her hand tightly. The procedure to make this biopsy need several item such as small operation knife (forgot the name), gauze, normal saline,alcohol, aspiration needle,mask and surgery gloves.

First of all, the alcohol was applied to the body part where the biopsy must be taken (to avoid contamination because all inside procedure room was sterilized including me), secondly, the anesthetic was applied to the left breast of patient ,then the doctor insert the aspiration needle and pull the trigger until sound "takk" be heard. That mean the tissues already be aspirate into the needle.After that Dr soaked the tissue into the container which contain normal saline. The biopsy was taken 3-4 time on each breast...after finish, I learned the Charcoal Dressing with the staff nurse...

At 12 o'clock, i followed H.O to observed the FNAC procedure in the general surgery room at level 1. At evening i feel quite boring coz lot of patient have been discharged yesterday including one makcik that i talk to her everyday...

Notes: Important thing during patient dealing is Pain Management. I take this note when I was walking around ward with General surgery Specialist, M.O and also H.O ( aku pun terjoin terase sekali when M.O and H.O kena Persoal dek Specialist yang Tegas,xpe latihan tuk H.O aku nnti)

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